A Chicagói Magyar Klub Krónikája / 1922 – 2016 / Chronicle of the Hungarian Club of Chicago


A Hungarian-English bilingual, historical chronicle commemorating the rich cultural heritage of Chicagoland Hungarians through the dedicated active members of the Hungarian (Magyar) Club of Chicago since its inception in 1922 up to the present time.

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Elkalandozás a Chicagói Magyar Klub majdnem 100 éves múltjába, 1922-től egészen napjainkig! A könyv magyar és angol nyelven összefoglalja, képekkel gazdagítva, a Klub munkásságát, amelyet tagjai önzetlenül évről évre odaadóan végeztek.

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Passage from Sándor Krémer’s letter, President of the Hungarian Club between 2007 and 2015.

…although many years have passed since 1922, the Hungarian Club of Chicago still represents a common Hungarian goal, and will continue to do so as long as it is possible. The club does not and will not discriminate against either secular or religious groups….The current board believes that the club is like a hot stove which provides a little bit of heat to everyone who feels Hungarian deep in their hearts and beliefs.

★ ★ ★

Szövegrészlet, Krémer Sándor leveléből, Chicagói Magyar Klub elnök 2007 és 2015 között.

…Bár 1922 óta sok év telt el, a Hungarian (Magyar) Club of Chicago napjainkban is a közös magyar ügyet képviseli, és mindaddig, amíg lehetősége lesz rá, meg is teszi. Most is a jövőben sem tesz különbséget világi vagy valási csoportosulások között, nem akar sehová sem tartozni, és senkinek sem írja elő, hová és merre vezessn az útja. A jelenlegi vezetőség a jövőbe tekint és hisz abban, hogy a Klub olyan, mint egy jó meleg kályha, mely körül mindenkinek jut egy kis talpalatnyi hely, aki szívében és meggyőződésében igaz magyarnak vallja magát.

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Product Details

Hardcover: 300 pages
Publisher: Hungarian (Magyar) Club of Chicago (April 4, 2017)
Language: English & Hungarian
ISBN: 978-0-692-84847-0
Product Dimensions: 11.25 x 8.75 x .75 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)


This publication could not have been published if it had not been for the Hungarian Initiatives Foundation (www.hungaryfoundation.org) and their ‘Heritage Preservation’ grant published in 2014, which awarded the Hungarian Club of Chicago $20,000, a sum that was indispensable for financing this publication.

The Hungary Initiatives Foundation is an American non-profit organization independent of any parties, which aims to strengthen cooperation between Hungary and the United States. The Foundation, established by the Hungarian government in 2013, is the first one of its kind in the history of the Hungarian diaspora.

The original author of the Hungarian text, Márta Sívó, was part of the Hungarian community in Chicago from 2013–2014 within the framework of the Körösi Csoma Sándor Program, and wrote this chronicle at the request of the Hungarian Club in 2015.

The English translation was done by Zsófia Zilahy, United Nations Translator. Hungarian language proofreading completed by Ibolya Dobos and Erika Gergely. Editing and coordination jobs were done by Ági Tóth Babochay, Recording Secretary of the Hungarian Club. Thanks to them for their hard and enthusiastic work.

A special thank you to Andrea Stétz, Vice President of the Hungarian Club for coordinating the grant and for her kind assistance.

We are thankful to Béla Kerkay for creating the layout and design of this book which was not an easy task considering the endless modifications with which he was presented.

We also want to say thank you to Pálma Demeter, Sándor Krémer and József Megyeri for their contribution, to Irén Gödölley, Mihály Gödölley, István Harmath, Jutka Jókay, Anikó Klózer, Ildikó Phillips, Géza Radics, Pál Varga and Amika Varga for providing valuable resources.


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